Yr a Oydo, New CD Already Available
Yr a oydo, my ensemble’s latest, much-anticipated CD, has been just released and it’s already available right here! This new record is More Hispano’s second CD in eleven long years, so it’s a big event for us!
Recorded in April 2009 for German label Carpe Diem, on Yr a oydo, “Mr. Parrilla and company go all out” (The New York Times). This recording features an innovative program we have been working at for a few years now —having had the opportunity to play it live on numerous occasions prior to recording it— in which the main protagonist is, undoubtedly, improvisation.

Buy now
You can get the physical CD directly from us:
18 € – shipping costs included. Thanks!
Yr a oydo (old Spanish for ‘Going by ear’) rethinks and contests the role of the modern performer of early music (who is often limited to performing just what is shown in the score), while trying to reinstate the creative side which not only belongs to his performance but, indeed, he should never omit. Yr a oydo is a unique project, in keeping with an extremely unusual proposition within the field of early music performance: the fully improvised performance of virtually all the pieces included in the CD.
- Passacaglia, Barbara Strozzi (1619–1677), G. A. Pandol Mealli (1660–69), improv. [14:47]
- Passamezzo moderno, Diego Ortiz (1510 – d.1570), Vicente Parrilla, improv. [04:47]
- Folías: Ay, que no me las ame nadie - Pavana con su glosa - Final I - Para quien crie yo cabellos (A. de Cabezón, 1510–1566) - Recercada VIII (Diego Ortiz - Vicente Parrilla) - Ay, que no me las ame nadie (improv.) [09:49]
- Gaillarde, Pierre Attaingnant (ca.1494–1552), improv. [06:16]
- Guárdame las vacas, Luis Venegas de Henestrosa (ca. 1510–1570), D. Ortiz, improv. [05:10]
- Conde Claros, Improvisation based on works by E. de Valderrábano & anon. [09:40]
- Ciaconna, Improvisation based on works by C. Monteverdi (1567–1643) & B. Ferrari (1603/4–1681) [10:11]
Yr a oydo’s live performances have always been warmly received by the public — besides being celebrated by the specialist press. Here are a few quotes:
One of the most original and powerful spectacles on offer from Spanish early music today.
— Scherzo
Vuelta de tuerca a la música antigua
— La Nueva España, Asturias, 2008-12-21
First press —and podcast— reactions on the new CD start to arrive now:
Whereas for most period-instrument bands improvisation means judiciously adding ornaments, Mr. Parrilla and company go all out. Mr. Parrilla, on recorder, takes turns with the other instrumentalists elaborating on the composers’ melodies, often adding modal touches and varying the rhythms, much as a virtuosic jazz band would do with a group of standards.
— The New York Times, 2011-02-17
I was particularly impressed with More Hispano’s beautifully unfettered style of improvisation. The ensemble’s excellent performance is tightly knit and brimming over with energy, from the wonderful and unpredictable instrumental improvisation to the rapturous singing by soprano Raquel Andueza. The recording is an absolute joy to listen to.
— Bernard Gordillo on Harmonia Early Music’s podcast, Indiana, USA, May 28, 2010
Yr a oydo representa una de las más originales y poderosas aportaciones que haya hecho nunca un grupo español a la discografía del repertorio antiguo. […] Hablamos sencillamente de algunos de los más dotados músicos españoles de su generación, lo que muestran de sobra con glosas que bordean en ocasiones el límite de las posibilidades de cada instrumento. […] Hay aquí fantasía, imaginación, sensualidad, exuberancia, pero también una manera de hacer que invita a la reflexión sobre la auténtica naturaleza de la música.
— Scherzo magazine, June 2010
[…] Lección sobre las posibilidades de una visión del repertorio occidental que, sin dejar de ser riguroso en informado, se aparta de los caminos más trillados del academicismo.
Una auténtica delicia y un disco indispensable para tomar el pulso a las nuevas propuestas en la interpretación de música clásica en España.
— Pablo Velasco, Suite 101, June 18, 2010
Un trabajo lleno de fantasía, imaginación, hondura y virtuosismo, que en directo conforma un espectáculo fascinante, con mucho de sesión de jazz, y tal y como ha quedado recogido en este disco resulta de una exuberancia, una vitalidad y una sensualidad deslumbrantes.
— Diario de Sevilla, April 10, 2010
A new, two full-pages CD review was published last Saturday, April 17th 2011 at the culture magazine of the Spanish ABC newspaper (see PDF).
And these are some of the first reactions from the first CD buyers:
It’s great musicianship, really hot stuff. I would love to hear you live in a concert! Thank you very much for the CD! People say that your concert was the best at the Utrecht festival 2008, now I understand!
— Monika M., Freiburg, March 3rd, 2010
Una bocanada de aire fresco y necesario en el panorama que tenemos ahora en el país, rebosa frescura y se aparta de todo lo hecho hasta ahora. Enhorabuena.
— David A., València, April 8th, 2010
I love your music-making. You must have had great pleasure in making this CD. That’s what I hear. And for me, your music is inspiring and touching.
— Jeanette v. W., Amsterdam, April 19th, 2010
I was very glad to receive the long-expected CD of More Hispano!!!!!!! When I was listening to the wonderful improvisations, sitting in my garden in the spring sun, the birds also started to sing! A pity you couldn’t hear the wonderful combination of the birds and the music.
— Jacqueline D., Utrecht, April 26th, 2010
I was really desperate to get my hands on the disc as I had been looking at your YouTube Videos for some time. Your CD is the one that is played the most at the moment. I love the whole disc, but as I said I adore Zefiro Torna and adore your improvisation there.
— Chris V., London, April 29th, 2010
L’acabo de rebre..., és una passada! moltíssimes felicitats!!!!! M’ha encantat...
— Eloi F., Barcelona, April 30th, 2010
This recording exudes joy, passion, the happiness of playing together and search for Beauty! Early music grows a little more & it makes me glad!
— Frédéric D., Liège, May 11th, 2010
Solo quería decirte que me ENCANTA el disco, me lo esperaba bueno, pero no así!
— Jorge J., London, May 18th, 2010
Photos from the recording session

More Hispano
Vicente Parrilla, recorders & musical direction
Raquel Andueza, soprano
Fahmi Alqhai, viola da gamba
Jesús Fernández, lute, theorbo and guitar
Miguel Rincón, vihuela, theorbo and guitar
Javier Núñez, harpsichord
Álvaro Garrido, percussion
Want to know more about us?
You can visit our profile, read what the press says, or have a look at our photo gallery.
- Booklet (ENG)
- Booklet (ES)
- CD Review — Published at Diario de Sevilla on April 10th, 2010.
- HQ photos from the recording session
Buy now
You can get the physical CD directly from us:
18 € – shipping costs included. Thanks!