Yr a Oydo

  • Passacaglia
  • Passamezzo moderno
  • Folías
  • Gaillarde
  • Guárdame las vacas
  • Conde Claros
  • Ciaconna

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Yr a oydo (old Spanish for “Going by ear”) is our second CD in eleven long years, so it’s a big event for us!

Yr a oydo rethinks and contests the role of the modern performers of early music (who are often limited to performing just what is shown in the score), while trying to reinstate the creative side which not only belongs to their performance but, indeed, they should never omit. Yr a oydo is also an innovative project, in keeping with an extremely unusual proposition within the field of early music performance: the fully improvised performance of virtually all the pieces included in the CD.

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Vicente Parrilla, recorders & musical direction
Raquel Andueza, soprano
Fahmi Alqhai, viola da gamba
Jesús Fernández, lute, theorbo and guitar
Miguel Rincón, lute, theorbo and guitar
Javier Núñez, harpsichord
Álvaro Garrido, percussion


  1. Passacaglia, Barbara Strozzi (1619–1677), G. A. Pandol Mealli (1660–69), improv. [14:47]
  2. Passamezzo moderno, Diego Ortiz (1510 – d.1570), Vicente Parrilla, improv. [04:47]
  3. Folías: Ay, que no me las ame nadie - Pavana con su glosa - Final I - Para quien crie yo cabellos (A. de Cabezón, 1510–1566) - Recercada VIII (Diego Ortiz - Vicente Parrilla) - Ay, que no me las ame nadie (improv.) [09:49]
  4. Gaillarde, Pierre Attaingnant (ca.1494–1552), improv. [06:16]
  5. Guárdame las vacas, Luis Venegas de Henestrosa (ca. 1510–1570), D. Ortiz, improv. [05:10]
  6. Conde Claros, Improvisation based on works by E. de Valderrábano & anon. [09:40]
  7. Ciaconna, Improvisation based on works by C. Monteverdi (1567–1643) & B. Ferrari (1603/4–1681) [10:11]


Video: Conde Claros

More Hispano — Conde Claros. Live at Utrecht's Early Music Festival

More Hispano — Conde Claros. Live at Utrecht's Early Music Festival


Whereas for most period-instrument bands improvisation means judiciously adding ornaments, Mr. Parrilla and company go all out. Mr. Parrilla, on recorder, takes turns with the other instrumentalists elaborating on the composers’ melodies, often adding modal touches and varying the rhythms, much as a virtuosic jazz band would do with a group of standards.

The New York Times, February 17, 2011

I was particularly impressed with More Hispano’s beautifully unfettered style of improvisation. The ensemble’s excellent performance is tightly knit and brimming over with energy, from the wonderful and unpredictable instrumental improvisation to the rapturous singing by soprano Raquel Andueza. The recording is an absolute joy to listen to.

Bernard Gordillo, Harmonia Early Music’s podcast, Indiana, USA, May 28th, 2010

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Photos from the recording session

Yr a oydo. Recording session. Javier Núñez, Jesús Fernández, Vicente Parrilla, Fahmi Alqhai, Raquel Andueza, Miguel Rincón & Álvaro Garrido
Yr a oydo. Recording session. Jesús Fernández, Raquel Andueza, Vicente Parrilla & Fahmi Alqhai
