Recently, I’ve been incredibly lucky to share the stage with the great Italian jazz pianist Enrico Pieranunzi at the Seville Early Music Festival (FeMÀS). We both enjoyed the experience, so we’re excited to continue working together and see how this project develops.
Here’s a short promotional video of our duo program A Baroque Dream, recorded during our concert on March 15, 2015, at the Festival de Música Antigua de Sevilla (FeMÀS).*
Enrico Pieranunzi & Vicente Parrilla duo — A Baroque Dream
*Sorry for the poor audio quality: our recording equipment failed at the very last moment, so the only available audio was captured by the video camera, placed at the end of the hall. Footage by courtesy of the festival.
Enrico Pieranunzi & Vicente Parrilla
- Enrico Pieranunzi, piano
- Vicente Parrilla, recorder
“Parrilla desplegó todo su arsenal de virtuosismo, su enorme fiato y, sobre todo, su fantasía a la hora de glosar e improvisar, en perfecta comunión con el teclado de Pieranunzi. Una última improvisación sobre el Siciliano de Bach, creada al repente, dejó asombrados a los incondicionales”.
— Diario de Sevilla, March 16, 2015
Read more press reactions here.

Programme proposal
A Baroque Dream
Improvisations on works from the 15th to the 18th century
Passamezzo moderno & Romanesca (16th c.)
Passacaglia (17th c.)
Orlando di Lasso (1532–1594):
Susanne ung jour
La Spagna (15th c. cantus firmus)
Georg Friederich Händel (1685–1759):
Sarabanda in E minor HWV 438/improhandel 438
Domenico Scarlatti (1685–1757):
Sonata K. 531
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750):
Chorale BWV 122/6 “das Neugeborne Kindelein”/impr
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750):
Sonata BWV 1016 in E major.
Adagio - Allegro - Adagio ma non tanto - Allegro